I agree with Jason. This sounds much worst. Mob programming is usually good when you have very difficult tasks, but on the daily basis, in a team of 5 developers I find mob programming, being pretty exhausting for everyone (and inefficient). Maybe this would be something different if we would still work on the office, basically having the old style of mob programming (the idea of 4 people standing around one that would write the code), but like this, with the entire team working remotely (maybe even with 1-2 hours difference between the time zones), I really don't think this is a good practice. Regarding the slow loops that you tasked about, it really depends on the team. If your team is looking over the board at least for 3 times a day, you'll get a pretty fast "response" regarding the code review. To be honest in the last 3-4 teams I was in, I didn't need to wait for more than 3-4 hours until my task was taken into review.